Yes the Safestop RLS can be integrated with all other Generation 2 and 3 Safestop Engine Management, IRS & Speed Limiter Systems
Yes the Safestop RLS can be integrated with all other Generation 2 and 3 Safestop Engine Management, IRS & Speed Limiter Systems
The Isuzu N Series AMT is designed to ensure that, in aerial platform program, the PTO remains engaged when the platform operator switches off the engine for extended work periods. The engine can be restarted from the platform & the PTO will bring the platform down.
In Isuzu F & N Series Manual Transmission vehicles it is possible to re-engage the PTO from the platform. The Isuzu F Series AMT will not permit the PTO to remain engaged but by including a remote transmitter/receiver into the package this function is possible.
Water boils at 100c at the coast and less at altitude even when it is not under pressure. The Safestop Temperature Switch switched at above those temperatures. It naturally follows that the cooling system must be sealed for the Safestop switch to work
Safestop creates a controlled stop - not a breakdown. If the driver was permitted to crank the Starter Motor when there was a fault he could burn out the Starter Motor or flatten the batteries. This will turn the stop into an expensive breakdown.
The Safestop water level system is intelligent. It also monitors the quality of the water. If there is oil in the water the unit will activate. This may assist with and early warning that there might be an engine fault - Head gasket etc.
The Safestop system does a self check each time that the ignition is turned on. As the engine is not running there is no Oil Pressure. Thus the oil light remains on until the engine has started and the oil pressure is sufficient to pass the oil pressure switch point and switch the light off.